
Here we are only 3 days away from offical Minecraft 1.16 release, hours of development spent, lot of head scratching and loooong ways to go. At this point in time I think there’s not much hope for Techworks MC 1.15. I’m not saying it’s defenite, but main foucs is going to shift towards 1.16.


I’ve started making Techworks for Fabric recenlty, but since it has become the main testing grounds. I’m not going to abandon the Forge version, despite it being somewhat really out dated. For next month or so (read, how much it will take to finish inital 1.16 port) it will be the main focus, because Fabric API updates in no time and Forge does not. Now that infrastructure is nearly completed (for 1.0 version at least) it shouldn’t take too much time.


It’s development will be hold for now, until inital 1.16 Fabric port will be close to done and when Forge itself updates. Porting it also shouldn’t take long, becasue all major design decisions will be already made.

Phase 2.0

Despite 2.0 being long ways away, I already have some plans for what to do. This mainly includes: more new content, next iteration of behind scenes stuff. I plan on starting it’s development as soon as Techworks 1.0 for both platforms is compolete and during its development 1.0 will be put in maintainece mode (bug fixes only).

Summing up

And that’s all for now. I don’t even know if someone is ever going to see this, but I’ve pulished it anyway. Also, if you are reading this now, thank you for stopping by.

Now more coding…